juicing: because of Raylynn’s gastroparesis, we purchased a juicer. There are many benefits from juicing.
Here are a few juicers to chose from.
Carrot, Celery, Apple & Beet Juice
3 carrots
1/2 stick of celery
1 medium apple
Thin slice of beet root
Apple & Ginger Juice
3 medium apples
Thin slice of ginger
Carrot Juice
4 medium carrots
Fatty Liver Juice/Shake (quercetin)
2 c kale
1 c blueberries
1 c. water
1 c plain whole fat plain yogurt
Pear, Apple & Ginger
2 medium pears
1 medium apple
Thin slice of ginger
Carrot, Celery & Apple Juice
3 carrots
1/2 stick of celery
1 medium apple
Barbara O’Neill Main Juice
Every 2 hours, 5 times a day.
Sometimes a bit of cucumber, bit of greens, bit of ginger, bit of beet or beetroot.
80% carrot
10% apple
10% celery